Calathea 'Maui Queen' is a captivating tropical plant known for its striking foliage. The leaves are long, lance-shaped, and feature a deep green colour with prominent white markings down the midrib, giving it a regal appearance. The undersides of the leaves are typically a rich purple, adding to the plant's allure. This plant is ideal for adding a touch of exotic elegance to indoor spaces.
Prefers bright, indirect light.
Can tolerate lower light conditions, but avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves and fade their colours.
Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy.
Water when the top inch of soil feels dry.
Use filtered or distilled water if possible, as Calatheas are sensitive to fluoride and other chemicals in tap water.
Use a well-draining, peat-based potting mix.
A mix designed for African violets or a blend of peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite works well.
Thrives in temperatures between 18-24°C.
Avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes, which can stress the plant.
Prefers high humidity levels.
Mist the leaves regularly, or place the plant on a humidity tray.
Using a room humidifier can also help maintain optimal humidity.
Feed with a balanced, water-soluble fertiliser every 2-4 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer).
Reduce fertilising in fall and winter.
Repot every 1-2 years in spring to refresh the soil and provide room for growth.
Choose a pot with good drainage to prevent waterlogging.
Watch out for common pests such as spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs.
Treat infestations with insecticidal soap or neem oil promptly.
Remove any yellow or damaged leaves to keep the plant looking tidy and healthy.
Regularly clean the leaves to remove dust and maintain their vibrant appearance.
Propagate by division during repotting.
Ensure each division has a portion of the root system and a few healthy leaves.
Am I pet friendly?
For any pet parents out there - this houseplant is non-toxic.
What size am I?
I come in a 12cm pot.