The Calathea Picturata ‘Argentea’ is loved for its beautiful, silvery streaks running through the dark green leaves.
Calatheas are part of the prayer plant family, meaning their leaves fold up at night. like praying hands, then fold back down in the morning to catch the sun. The cleaner their leaves are, the more light they can absorb which means their colours will get even brighter! So much sure you use a cloth on your plant to really get the best results.
Where do I come from?
Calathea plants in general are native to the tropical regions of Central and South America.
Calatheas prefers bright indirect light to partial shade, with no prolonged exposure to direct sun.
They need to be watered regularly and don’t like to dry out between waterings, so keep soil slightly moist.
They love humidity so place it in a watered pebbled tray or place containers of water around your plants which can increase the moisture in the air. It will also benefit from regular misting.
The bathroom can also be a great spot.
Am I pet friendly?
For any pet parents out there - this houseplant is non-toxic.
What size am I?
I come in a 12cm pot