Iresine herbstii ‘Red Star’, commonly known as Bloodleaf or Beefsteak Plant, is a striking ornamental plant prized for its vibrant foliage. This variety features dark, reddish-purple leaves with bright pink veins, giving it a bold and eye-catching appearance. Native to South America, particularly Brazil, ‘Red Star’ is a versatile plant that can be grown indoors as a houseplant or outdoors in warmer climates as a garden accent or ground cover. Its vivid colour and easy-care nature make it a popular choice for adding a pop of colour to any setting.
With its vibrant foliage and ease of care, Iresine herbstii ‘Red Star’ can add a stunning splash of colour to both indoor and outdoor spaces. Its versatile nature and bold appearance make it a favourite among plant enthusiasts looking to brighten up their plant collection.
Prefers bright, indirect light to partial shade.
Can tolerate some direct morning sun, but too much direct sunlight can cause leaf scorching.
In lower light conditions, the vibrant coloration may fade, so ensure it receives adequate light.
Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
Water when the top inch of soil feels dry.
Ensure proper drainage to prevent root rot, as the plant does not like to sit in water.
Thrives in moderate to high humidity levels.
Regular misting can help increase humidity, especially in dry indoor environments.
Avoid placing near air conditioners or heaters, which can reduce humidity and cause leaf edges to brown.
Ideal temperature range: 18-27°C.
Can tolerate warmer temperatures but should be protected from cold drafts and temperatures below 13°C.
It is not frost-tolerant, so bring indoors or provide protection in cooler climates.
Use a well-draining, rich potting mix.
A mix of peat moss, perlite, and compost works well.
Ensure the pot has drainage holes to allow excess water to escape.
Feed with a balanced, water-soluble fertiliser diluted to half strength.
Fertilise every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer).
Reduce fertilisation during the fall and winter months when growth slows.
Repot every 1-2 years or when the plant becomes root-bound.
Choose a pot that is slightly larger and has good drainage.
Refresh the soil mix during repotting to provide new nutrients.
Prune regularly to maintain a compact and bushy shape.
Pinch back the growing tips to encourage branching and fuller growth.
Remove any yellowing or damaged leaves to keep the plant looking healthy.
Easily propagated through stem cuttings.
Take cuttings with a few leaves, remove the lower leaves, and place in water or directly in moist soil.
Keep the cuttings in a warm, bright location until roots develop, usually within a few weeks.
Am I Pet Friendly?
Unfortunately I am NOT Pet Friendly.
What size am I?
I am in a 12cm pot.